Business Office

Building Changes Request Form

Short URL:

Request to update a building.

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Credit Card Request

Short URL:

This form is for RC Faculty or Staff to request a individual or department VISA card.

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Expense Transfer Request

Short URL:

This form should be used for transferring expenses that have already been paid to a different account.

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General Advance - Expense Report

Short URL:

This form is used to report expenses for a previously issued General Advance.

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General Advance Request

Short URL:

This form is used for receiving an advance for non-travel related items. (i.e. having cash on hand for an event.)

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IRS W-9 Form


This form is required of any new vendor providing a service or when requesting payment of a honorarium.  An updated W-9 form should be submitted for a vendor with any change in tax information/address.  A W-9 form ensures the collection of accurate/updated information that is signed/verified by the vendor.  Also, as yearly audit regulations become more extensive having this information will be pertinent to keep us in compliance with all accounting and IRS regulations. For further information please see our Roanoke College - W-9 Form and 1099 Tax Reporting Guidelines (this document is also accessible in the Policies section of the Accounts Payable and Purchasing Page).

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Independent Vendor Payment Request

Short URL:

This form is to be used to request payment for individuals performing a service for which an invoice will not be provided.

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Missing Receipt Disclosure

Short URL:

Per policy it is the Roanoke College VISA Cardholder's responsibility to obtain itemized transaction receipts from the vendor each time the credit card is used.  Cardholders must attempt to get the receipt from the vendor.  If the receipt is not available, the cardholder must attach a completed Missing Receipt Disclosure for each receipt missing.

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Payment Request


Payment request link, authorized access only. If you are in a position that has access to a departmental budget, you should have access to the payment request system. If you do not have access to a departmental budget then you will not be able to request a payment and must submit the request to the Administrative Assistant who would normally process payment requests for the department that the budget you want to charge belongs to.

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This requisition should be submitted for goods where the total purchase is $5,000 or more.  Requisitions must be submitted and approved before the goods are ordered. Please allow two business days after receipt in our office for the requisition to be processed and approved.  For full details please refer to the Roanoke College Purchasing policy.

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Timesheet (Student)-CWS (702002)


Use this timesheet for student employees that will be paid from the "702002" Federal College Work Study Program.

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Use this timesheet for student employees that will be paid from "702001".

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Travel - Expense Report


This form is used for the following purposes:

- Request reimbursement for travel expenses incurred.

- Report expenses for a previously issued Travel Advance.

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Travel Advance Request

Short URL:

This form is used for requesting money to take with you to cover business related costs while on your trip.  If you have already incurred expenses for your trip please fill out a Check Request to be reimbursed.

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Travel Authorization Form


 This form must be completed for all staff travel/trips for conferences and professional development prior to commitment of College funds (travel for recruitment and fund raising do not need prior approval by your Vice President).  Allow at least two weeks for processing, prior to need for commitment of funds.  This form is in addition to the Travel Advance Request and/or Travel Expense Report.

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