Stu Hlth & Counseling Svcs

FLOURISH Application

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FLOURISH is a new community learning experience on the 3rd floor of Ritter Hall that will prioritize developing and experiencing daily wellness practices to manage stress, reduce anxiety, and curate the most positive Roanoke College experience. This learning community will consist of single rooms and have access to a wellness learning lounge. Students will have the opportunity to learn and network with wellness professionals from within Roanoke College and the larger community. Some guest speakers and teachers will include but are not limited to counseling staff, nutrition experts, massage and acupuncture specialists, and outdoor adventure guides, to name a few. Living in FLOURISH will be an educational experience that will allow students to learn about their relationship with substances, either practicing substances in moderation or choosing to be substance-free. This intentional living community (ILC) will be available to sophomores, juniors, and seniors upon accepted application.

Health Record Documentation Instructions- Information for students and parents 2017

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Medical Consent Form for Minors

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