Form Finder

Incident Documentation

Short URL:

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Jordan Endowment Application Form

Short URL:

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This form is used to accept admissions offer

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Alumni & Family Relations Event Submission

Short URL:

The purpose of this form is to gather event information around Alumni Weekend or Family Weekend programs.  Please submit all the details of your event to Alumni & Family Relations staff.  If there are any questions, please contact 540-375-2338 or

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Resource Development at Roanoke College is committed to the ethical collection and use of information in the pursuit of legitimate institutional goals. All individuals collecting and accessing this information are expected to respect our constituents and the fundamental right to privacy, and to follow basic principles regarding ethics and confidentiality.

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Interest Form for Alumni Interest Chapters

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Scholarship Thank You Letter

Short URL:

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Use this form to notify Resource Development of your intent to make a gift of stock.

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Student Alumni Ambassadors Interest Form

Short URL:

The SAA is a student group on campus that is partnered with the Office Alumni and Family Relations. Students involved in this campus leadership group will strive to create and foster campus traditions and other engaging programs with alumni.

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Nominate someone deserving Maroons by Choice Alumni by Choice nominations will be accepted each year through March 15 and will be considered for our Maroons by Choice Ceremony scheduled for Alumni Weekend in April. If selected, Maroons by Choice Honorees and their nominators will be notified in late March.

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This form may be used by anyone to request Rooney at your event.

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Suburban Wild Event RSVP

Short URL:

RSVP for the Suburban Wild Event at the Environment Center on June 27, 2024.

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BUAD/ECON Honors in Major form

Short URL:

Form for Honors in Major application

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Internship Application BUAD/ECON


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Learning Agreement Site Supervisor - BUAD/ECON416

Short URL:

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Learning Agreement Student Intern - BUAD/ECON 416

Short URL:

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RFP Endowment Management

Short URL:

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Building Changes Request Form

Short URL:

Request to update a building.

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Credit Card Request

Short URL:

This form is for RC Faculty or Staff to request a individual or department VISA card.

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Expense Transfer Request

Short URL:

This form should be used for transferring expenses that have already been paid to a different account.

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General Advance - Expense Report

Short URL:

This form is used to report expenses for a previously issued General Advance.

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General Advance Request

Short URL:

This form is used for receiving an advance for non-travel related items. (i.e. having cash on hand for an event.)

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IRS W-9 Form


This form is required of any new vendor providing a service or when requesting payment of a honorarium.  An updated W-9 form should be submitted for a vendor with any change in tax information/address.  A W-9 form ensures the collection of accurate/updated information that is signed/verified by the vendor.  Also, as yearly audit regulations become more extensive having this information will be pertinent to keep us in compliance with all accounting and IRS regulations. For further information please see our Roanoke College - W-9 Form and 1099 Tax Reporting Guidelines (this document is also accessible in the Policies section of the Accounts Payable and Purchasing Page).

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Independent Vendor Payment Request

Short URL:

This form is to be used to request payment for individuals performing a service for which an invoice will not be provided.

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Missing Receipt Disclosure

Short URL:

Per policy it is the Roanoke College VISA Cardholder's responsibility to obtain itemized transaction receipts from the vendor each time the credit card is used.  Cardholders must attempt to get the receipt from the vendor.  If the receipt is not available, the cardholder must attach a completed Missing Receipt Disclosure for each receipt missing.

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Payment Request


Payment request link, authorized access only. If you are in a position that has access to a departmental budget, you should have access to the payment request system. If you do not have access to a departmental budget then you will not be able to request a payment and must submit the request to the Administrative Assistant who would normally process payment requests for the department that the budget you want to charge belongs to.

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This requisition should be submitted for goods where the total purchase is $5,000 or more.  Requisitions must be submitted and approved before the goods are ordered. Please allow two business days after receipt in our office for the requisition to be processed and approved.  For full details please refer to the Roanoke College Purchasing policy.

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Timesheet (Student)-CWS (702002)


Use this timesheet for student employees that will be paid from the "702002" Federal College Work Study Program.

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Use this timesheet for student employees that will be paid from "702001". 

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Travel - Expense Report


This form is used for the following purposes:

- Request reimbursement for travel expenses incurred.

- Report expenses for a previously issued Travel Advance.

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Travel Advance Request

Short URL:

This form is used for requesting money to take with you to cover business related costs while on your trip.  If you have already incurred expenses for your trip please fill out a Check Request to be reimbursed.

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Travel Authorization Form


 This form must be completed for all staff travel/trips for conferences and professional development prior to commitment of College funds (travel for recruitment and fund raising do not need prior approval by your Vice President).  Allow at least two weeks for processing, prior to need for commitment of funds.  This form is in addition to the Travel Advance Request and/or Travel Expense Report.

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Campus Rec CPR Training

Short URL:

Please complete this form to express interest in attending a First Aid, CPR and AED training class.  You will then gain access to the online module as well as receive more information on how to submit the $65 registration payment and schedule the in-person skills session.

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Form that participants sign to use the fitness center, participate in intramural sports, club sports, and outdoor adventures.

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Campus Recreation Incident Report

Short URL:

This form is for Campus Recreation programs to report injuries and other incidents that may occur.

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Equipment Maintenance Request

Short URL:

This form is for Fitness Center employees to notify professional staff of fitness equipment in need of maintenance.

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Intramural Sports Team Registration

Short URL:

Form used for teams to register for intramurals

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Outdoor Adventures Group Facilitation Request

Short URL:

Outdoor Adventures is able to tailor an outdoor trip or teambuilding experience (or both!) that meets the needs and goals of your organization, club, or department. Based on experiential learning principles, we allow participants to engage with one another in unique settings to solve problems, build communication, and a variety of other objectives. Through action and reflection, we develop a space that allows participants to give meaning to their experiences. We believe that through this process, participants can better understand themselves, each other, and their world. These new understandings and appreciations can then be transferred by the participant back to their personal, professional, and academic lives.

Submitting this form does not ensure that we will be able to accommodate your request. Please submit the form at least three weeks before the desired start date. We will contact you within three business days to begin planning the details of your program.

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Outdoor Adventures Participant Agreement

Short URL:

Participant Agreement for Outdoor Adventures

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Outdoor Adventures Trip Agreement

Short URL:

Roanoke College Outdoor Adventures Trip Agreement

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This form is used to fill out if interested in signing up for personal training sessions.  Please answer the following questions, so that we can find  you a personal trainer that fits with your goals and availability.

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Basic information needed by Campus Safety for students, faculty or staff wishing to register their bicycle.

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Faculty and Staff Vehicle Registration


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Faculty/Staff Vehicle Registration

Short URL:

Faculty/Staff Vehicle Registration

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For the request of keys through Campus Safety by Faculty and Staff.  Faculty and Staff can request keys for students via this form as well.

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Lost & Found


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Motor Pool Cancellation Form


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Motor Pool Reservation Form


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Safety Witness


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Silent Witness

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Advertise Event in Handshake

Short URL:

Complete this form if you'd like to post an event that your department is hosting that has a focus on professional or career development.

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Campus Job Posting Request

Short URL:

Complete this form to post a NEW on-campus job opportunity available to students. Allow 3-5 business days for all requests.

Remember that all job postings must be active and available to students for 5 business days and that all students must submit a resume to fulfill on campus employment requirements.

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Campus Job Renew Posting Request

Short URL:

Complete this form to RENEW a job posting that was previously available to students with minimal edits to posting.  Allow 3-5 business days for all requests.

Remember that all Job Postings must be active and available to students for 5 business days and that all students must sumbit a resume to fulfill on campus employment requirements.

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Handshake for Students


secure online job and internship posting site for students

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Kaplan Test Prep Course - Application

Short URL:

PLACE at Roanoke College in partnership with Academic Departments offers partial funding to qualifying students to help defray testing costs for a variety of graduate school test prep courses. Students select an on-line Kaplan Test Preparation course that best suits their individual schedule. Students apply through PLACE and each applicant must be approved through the academic department in which the test coincides. Roanoke College covers half of the cost of the test preparation course while the remaining balance will be applied to selected individual student accounts for processing and payment. If you are not selected to receive the grant, you may still enroll in the course at the discounted rate (you would cover 100% of the cost).

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Use this form to sign-up to help the Roanoke College community with career assistance. Register now for either the alumni network or the family network.

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Maroon Mentor Student Sign Up

Short URL:

Form used by students to sign up for the Maroon Mentor Program.

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Maroons on the Move

Short URL:

The PLACE invites current students to share noteworthy experiences, including internships, summer positions, mentoring opportunities, post graduate offers, etc. that you have participated in as an undergraduate student that influenced your purpose and professional goals.

By submitting this form, you are giving the college permission to utilize this information for marketing purposes.

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PLACE - Presentation Request

Short URL:

To request a presentation for your class, student organization or other event, please complete and submit form below.  If you need confirmation before three (3) business days, please complete this form and call PLACE at (540) 375-2303.

Successful submission of this form is not a presentation confirmation.  A confirmation email from a staff member will follow.

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Do you have a tip for current RC students that relates to professionalism or the first phase after graduation?  It can be profound or simple.  PLACE social media team will choose which tips to use for our Tip Tuesday series.

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Rising Junior PLACE Survey

Short URL:

PLACE would like to know what experiences you are having to help you move towards your post-graduation plans.

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Rising Senior PLACE Survey

Short URL:

PLACE would like to know how we can help as graduation is approaching.  While we know things may change in the next several months, we'd like to know your plans at this point in time.

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Rising Sophomore PLACE Survey

Short URL:

PLACE would like to know what experiences you are having to help you move towards your post-graduation plans.

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Rover Project Submission

Short URL:

Rover project submission

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Rovers Request Form

Short URL:

Request student rovers.

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Summer Internship Scholarship Application

Short URL:

Summer Internship Scholarship Application

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Accessible Education Registration


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Faculty Test Submission Form


Provide CLT with a copy of a test that a student has requested accommodations for.

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ON-Campus Housing Accommodation Request Part II

Short URL:

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On-Campus Housing Accommodation Request Part I

Short URL:

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Request for Accommodation Letters

Short URL:

This form is for students who are currently registered for Accessible Education Services.  For the current semester, AES will send your accommodation letter to your professors on your behalf, so long as you make this request.  You must make the request through this form in order for your letters to be sent to your professors.  Please contact Dustin Persinger at with questions.  

Note:  If you are not currently receiving accommodations, but are interested in registering for Accessible Education Services, please email for more information.

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Test Accommodations Request Form


Request accommodations for taking a test via the CLT

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This is the reservation form that groups will use to send us information about booking their conferences, summer camps and retreats on our campus.

RC Cares Submission Form


Information that you have about students who may be in distress, in need of medical attention, or who may pose a threat to self or others, should be reported to a member of the Care Team using this form. This centralized team will investigate the concerns you share and provide timely and appropriate intervention.

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For use when a student wishes to request a withdrawal for health reasons (medical withdrawal).

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SGA Online Suggestion Form

Short URL:

Members of the Student Body can submit any questions, comments, or concerns about Roanoke College that they want addressed by Student Government.

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The Student Emergency Fund will cover immediate urgent expenses that a student may incur due to an unexpected emergency. Only currently enrolled students qualify to receive this one-time award per semester.

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Catering Request


Use this form to request catering.

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Bast 109 Reservation

Short URL:

Bast 109 is designed to accommodate a variety of group physical activity or exercise sessions and will be limited to such activities with a qualified Instructor. Completion of this form does not guarantee a reservation. Your request will be reviewed by the HHP Department Faculty Representative, and if approved, an email confirmation will be sent. Please allow 5 business days for the approval process. A $10 Room Use Fee will be assessed per session for room and equipment maintenance. Do you need a certified Group Exercise Instructor? Yes /no. If yes, there is an additional charge of $10-$13 for student instructor and $30 for faculty instructor

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Attendance Policy Violation Notice

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Confidentiality Statement (Faculty and Staff)

Short URL:

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Confidentiality Statement (Students)

Short URL:

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Corrective Action Form

Short URL:

Corrective Action Form

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Employee Accident Report Form

Short URL:

To be completed when a work-related accident or injury has occurred. please complete forms within 24 hours of accident or injury and return to College Human Resources.

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Faculty New Hire Employment Paperwork


Complete these forms on or before your first day of employment at Roanoke College. Please contact Human Resources if you have any questions.

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Federal Tax Form W-4


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Flexible Work Request & Agreement For Staff


The Flexible Work Request & Agreement is required for any staff employee requesting to engage in partial remote work, involving a combination of remote and on-campus workdays, consistent with the Roanoke College Flexible Work Policy.

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Leave Submission Form


For exempt employees only. Submitted via Employee Self-Service.

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Complete this form to update/change your beneficiaries for your Roanoke College sponsored Mutual of Omaha life insurance policies. Once completed, Human Resources will automatically receive a copy of the completed form.

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Life Insurance Change of Coverage Form

Short URL:

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Life Insurance Evidence of Insurability


This 3rd party form is used to apply for additional voluntary term life insurance outside of your initial date of eligibility. This form is used to start the medical underwriting process for voluntary term lifeinsurance. Please note: the link will send you to our 3rd part vendor Mutual of Omaha.

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New Employee Technology Request


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New Hire Personnel Action Form


Please complete this form when hiring a new employee. Once completed, if applicable, please route to your divisional leader for signature. Human Resources will automatically receive a copy of the completed forms.

For other personnel/employment changes (pay change, terminations, etc.) please use the Personnel Action Change Form.

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New Volunteer & Intern Paperwork


Complete this form to onboard a new unpaid volunteer or intern. Once completed, Human Resources will automatically receive a copy of the completed forms.

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Personnel Action Change Form


Please complete this form when completing personnel/employment changes. Once completed, if applicable, please route to your divisional leader for signature. Human Resources will automatically receive a copy of the completed forms.

For new hires please use the New Hire Personnel Action Form.

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RC Name


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Retiree Bank Draft Form


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Used to make changes to the Roanoke College 403(b) Retirement Plan Account (SRA). Once completed, Human Resources will automatically receive a copy of the completed form.

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Complete these forms on or before your first day of employment at Roanoke College. Please contact Human Resources if you have any questions.

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Please complete this form and submit to your supervisor.  You may be asked attach supporting documentation to support your request. Staff development funds are limited and are not guaranteed.  If approved, a Travel Authorization Form should be completed by your divisional leader.  Please allow sufficient time for processing.

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Student Employment Paperwork


To be completed by the student via DocuSign. MUST be completed and returned to Human Resource BEFORE the student employee can begin work.  For Federal Form I-9 employees must present ORIGINAL documents.

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Student Job Placement Form


Submit student hires.

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Tuition Exchange Request

Short URL:

Form to request Tuition Exchange

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Tuition Remission Request

Short URL:

Form to request Tuition Remission

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Virginia Tax Form VA-4


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Business Card Order Form

Short URL:

This form is used to order business cards from the print shop.

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Computer & Accessory Purchases (CAP)

Short URL:

The Computer & Accessory Purchases (CAP) form is used to request the purchase of computers, computer accessories, software licenses, or other technology on your behalf.

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Faculty / Staff Run, Walk or Bike Entry Form

Short URL:

FS Fun Walk Form

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IT Application For Break Employment

Short URL:

IT Application For Break Employment

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ITRC Equipment Request

Short URL:

Use this form to request equipment for your classroom or academic needs. Please note that we need at least two weeks advance notice for your request to be honored. Submitting this form does not guarantee equipment availability.

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ITSA Employment Application

Short URL:

ITSA Employment Application

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Ingeniux, Novisign or WordPress Training


Sign up for 1 hour training of Ingeniux, Novisign or WordPress.

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Lab Reservation


Lab Reservation please submit 5 days in advance.

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Loaner Laptop Request


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Name Tag Order Request

Short URL:

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Hiring a new employee? Request permissions and technology needs here.

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Office Move Request


Request a move of offices.

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Problem Report


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Request for Assistance with Connecting a Device to MaroonTVGaming Network

Short URL:

Please complete all required fields to submit your request for assistance with connecting your device to the MaroonTVGaming Network. Please contact the Helpdesk at 540-375-2225 or for additional assistance.

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Software Installation Request

Short URL:

Form for end-users to request software installation that requires admin access.

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Student Worker System Access Audit

Short URL:

Provide student worker audit details

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Institutional Research, Effectiveness, and Planning Data Request Form

Short URL:

Use this to make data requests to the Office of Institutional Research, Effectiveness, and Planning (IREP)

Course Reserves Forms


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Faculty Carrel Request


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Reference Appointment Request


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Kenneth R. Garren Excellence in Diversity Awards Championing Diversity, Promoting Inclusion

Short URL:

Nomination Form. The Office of Multicultural Affairs annually awards individuals, organizations and offices for their outstanding work and efforts in promoting diversity, inclusion, and equity. This individual, organization, and/or department also exemplifies leadership qualities needed to live, learn and work in an inclusive community. The Garren Excellence in Diversity Awards categories:

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Calendar - Add your event to web calendar

Short URL:

Use this form to add your event to the college web calendar. 

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Daily Email Announcement Request Form


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Event Planning (Faculty & Staff)


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Graphic Design Request

Short URL:

Graphic Design Request

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Marketing & Communications Student Self Evaluation

Short URL:

The student evaluation form for student PR workers

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May Term Photographer/Videographer Application

Short URL:

May Term Photographer/Videographer Application

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Photography Request

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Sign up to be in Roanoke photos and videos

Short URL:

Do you want to be in the college's photos and videos for social media, the website and other promotional materials? Sign up here and we'll be in touch...

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Update faculty/staff web profile


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Web/Social Student Assistant Application

Short URL:

Web/Social Student Assistant Application

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Website Content Request Form


Use this form to request new websites and updates to existing pages.

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Academic Integrity Council Confidentiality Agreement

Short URL:

Members of the Academic Integrity Council, both new and returning, should complete this confidentiality agreement each academic year.

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Annual CV Update for Faculty

Short URL:

This form is used by full-time faculty members at Roanoke College at the end of each academic year to provide an updated copy of their CV for the Office of Academic Affairs (or to indicate that no changes were made since the previous year).

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Copenhaver Scholar-in-Residence Proposal Form

Short URL:

The Eldridge and Margaret Greever Copenhaver Scholars-in-Residence Program provides funding for visiting scholars on a rolling basis each academic year. If your program wishes to host a scholar-in-residence, please complete this form. You may propose residencies of a week up to an academic year in duration. Proposals should focus on strengthening the educational experience of our students and enhancing the College’s intellectual environment. Seminars, classes, dialogues, performances, exhibits, and talks are the usual kinds of activities that might be planned, but residencies are not necessarily limited to these. Residencies should have a broad impact and so should be planned well ahead of time.

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Coursedog Account Permissions or Modules Access

Short URL:

Use this form to request additional permissions or access to other Coursedog modules.

Coursedog Catalog Program Page Items

Short URL:

Program coordinators should use this form to provide additional useful information for a program in the online electronic catalog such as a description of the program for student and prospective students, program-level learning outcomes, and general career and/or graduate school options typical for students in the program.

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Coursedog Implementation Correction Form

Short URL:

During the rollout of Coursedog, use this form to report an error or typo that occurred during the process of converting from Word and PDF catalogs and handbooks to online versions with past history and workflow processes.

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Dean's Conference Room Request


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Dean's Student Travel Fund

Short URL:

This form is for students to request money from the Dean's Travel Fund for presenting or attending conferences.  Students may request up to $500 when presenting at a conference and $75 when attending a conference but not presenting.

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Faculty Professional Advancement (FPA) Application

Short URL:

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Faculty Request for a Work-Study Research Assistant

Short URL:

Faculty can request 1-2 Work Study Research Assistant students paid by the Office of Undergraduate Research.

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IL/May Term Independent Study/Research


Application for permission to use an independent study or research project to satisfy the IL requirement.

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IL/May Term Internship


Application for permission to use an internship to satisfy the IL requirement.

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May Travel Course Application


Application for May Travel Courses

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Request a Tutorial Section

Short URL:

This form is used by department chairs to request a tutorial section of a regular course for a student.  The department chair of the faculty member teaching the course needs to submit this form.

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Study Away Application

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Temporary GEC and CC (General Education/Curriculum Committees) Proposal Submission Form

Short URL:

This is a temporary form to submit proposals to GEC and CC so that Dave can test Coursedog workflows and forms in our live environment with live data.

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Olin Space Request


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Shops Work Order


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The Hill Scholarship supports student work that will be presented in a formal setting, to an expert audience. The moneys can be used for either 1. Defraying the costs of attending a conference or workshop where the student will present on a panel, participate in a round table, or exhibit in a poster session; 2. Supporting the research effort leading to a conference-ready paper. The Hill Scholarship is given to Public Affairs students, including majors, minors, and concentrators.

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RSVP for Batten School of Leadership and Public Policy Info Session

Short URL:

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Application for Readmission


Students who have left Roanoke College for any reason may apply for readmission to return. This includes alumni, those who transferred to another institution, those who were withdrawn by Roanoke College, and those who withdrew voluntarily. Students wishing to return following an academic suspension must reapply at least one month prior to the beginning of the term in which re-instatement is desired.

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Authorization for Study Abroad Transfer Credit - NON-RC Program

Short URL:

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Authorization for Study Abroad Transfer Credit - RC Program

Short URL:

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Change to Course Schedule


Completion of this form is required for students who wish to initiate changes to their course schedule.  For students who have attended Roanoke for more than one term, changes to course schedules may be performed through Self-Service up until the last day to add a M/W/F course, after which completion of this form is required.  For students who are enrolled in their first term at Roanoke, this form is required for all scheduling changes irrespective of the date. 

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Honors in Major Application

Short URL:

Submit this form to the Associate Dean of Academic Affairs & Administration PRIOR to starting an Honors in Major project.

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Honors in Major Final Grade Form

Short URL:

At the completion of an Honors in Major project, this form is submitted to the Registrar's Office

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Order Replacement Diploma


Order Replacement Diploma

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Order Transcript


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Pass Fail Request Form


Pass Fail Request Form

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Program Declaration


Declare or drop any major, minor, or concentration.

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Request for Change of Grade

Short URL:

Request for Change of Grade

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Request for Course Classroom Change

Short URL:

This form is used by department chairs or department administrative assistants to request that a course be moved from it's currently assigned room to another.  Submissions are sent to the Registrar's Office and Assistant Vice President for Academic Operations for approval.

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Request for Course Enrollment Through the Hollins University/Roanoke College Reciprocal Agreement


Any student who wishes to enroll in a course or courses under the Hollins University/Roanoke College Reciprocal Agreement must apply through the Registrar's Office at her/his home institution. Arrangements are made between the Registrar's Offices at the two institutions. 

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Request for Permission to Take Course Work at Another Institution

Short URL:

Request for Permission to Take Course Work at Another Institution

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Request for Program Exception

Short URL:

This form us used to request an exception to a major, minor, program, or concentration.

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Request to Audit a Course


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Student Clearinghouse (Enrollment Version)


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Bunk/Loft Bed Request Form


The Wortmann complex (Blue Ridge, Shenandoah, and Tabor Halls) are the only buildings where lofts are authorized. The College has a limited number of lofting kits available. These kits are issued on a first requested, first installed basis. Only one loft kit may be used per bed. Lofting is not available in single rooms. College provided bunk beds are authorized in all residence halls and Greek houses except for single rooms which only have one bed.

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Medical Professional Info - Residency Requirement Waiver for Medical Reasons

Short URL:

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Request for Commuter Student Status

Short URL:

A student can request to be a commuter student if they meet one of the following criteria: 

  • have lived in the Roanoke Valley (within 30 miles of campus) for at least 6 months preceeding the date of first enrollment and continue to reside with their parent/legal guardian
  • are married
  • are at least 23 years old (before December of the year they desire to live off campus)
  • are a military veteran
  • are or will be enrolled part-time during the term seeking off campus housing.
  • are a 5th year senior

Deadline to apply for commuter status is June 15th for the upcoming academic year for returning students. All students must re-apply each academic year. 

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Request for Waiver of Residency Requirement for Medical Reasons

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Residency Requirement Waiver for Financial Hardship


Appeals will be looked at on a rolling basis to be considered for Fall 2024. Late appeals and incomplete appeals will not be considered. Students may appeal their residency requirement two times during the academic year (once in the fall and once in the spring) for financial and/or medical reasons only. 

The submission of this form to Roanoke College does not guarantee off-campus release. Students are required to participate in housing selection unless approval is granted. All students must re-apply each academic year, and prior approval does not guarantee continued release.

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Residency Requirement Waiver for Medical Reasons


The deadline for appeals to be submitted for Fall 2024 is February 8, 2024. Late appeals and incomplete appeals will not be considered. Students may appeal their residency requirement two times during the academic year (once in the fall and once in the spring) for financial and/or medical reasons only. The decision is final and cannot be appealed.

The submission of this form to Roanoke College does not guarantee off-campus release. Students are required to participate in housing selection unless approval is granted. All students must re-apply each academic year, and prior approval does not guarantee continued release.

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Respiratory Illness Relocation Survey

Short URL:

Respiratory Illness Relocation Survey

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Health Record Documentation Instructions- Information for students and parents 2017

Short URL:

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Medical Consent Form for Minors

Short URL:

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If you anticipate a credit balance on your account after all of your finanical aid has been applied, you are eligible to request a transfer of funds to your Maroon Card via this form.

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Student Account Refund Request Form

Short URL:

Requesting a refund of credit on student account.

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Excess credit funds on your student account may be transferred to the Maroon Card with permission from you and/or your parent instead of, or in addition to, receiving a Roanoke College issued refund check.

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Monterey House Guest Room Reservation Request

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Room Reservation Request Form


Reserve a room on campus.

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SGA Budget Request Form for Clubs

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Stage Tech/Event Staff Request

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If you are a student organization putting on an activity or event open to all students and requesting the assistance of Stage Tech and/or Event Staff you must fill out this form. If your event is not in the Colket Center, or a Student Activity for all students, and you need tables, chairs, a podium, or stage, please visit Forms on Inside Roanoke and request a Shops Work Order. Please submit this form at least two weeks prior to your event and they will assist you, if available. The event planner or other designated members of the requesting organization are responsible for the event and must be present throughout the event, to help set-up and clean up immediately following the event.

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Student Conduct Code Violation


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Student Event Request for Funding Form

Short URL:

To request funds through SGA and Student Activities for an upcoming event.

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Student Organization Credit Card Request


Borrow a card for purchasing items for your campus organization

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About the program

Building on Diversity is a new student transition program that assists incoming students with their transition to college. The program is open to any newly enrolled students who want to learn and explore diversityinclusion and multiculturalism. The incoming students are paired with a mentor that will guide their mentee through the transition process and navigate them to a successful college life experience.

Participants of the BonD mentoring program will:

  • have access to a community of support and resources during key stages of their academic career
  • receive support that aids in their personal and leadership development
  • develop a greater sense of belonging to Roanoke College by engaging in the BonD community
  • be exposed to diverse perspectives and experiences that affirms their cultural identity

The program will take place August 18, 2024 - August 24, 2024 prior to the beginning of fall semester.

Must Register by July 31, 2024

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Form used for F1 students to register each semester

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